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Frequently asked


  • Are Online payment available?
    Yes it is available For any further queries! Feel free to contact us.
  • I don't need delivery I can visit the shop?
    That's the reason we have uploaded the address, but you can't come directly without informing us! As its our home address. If you want to cut your delivery charges, Firstly need to contact us by our WhatsApp number to know availability and message us the cover page image of your book or novel, Just to be precise about the book and reduce confusion and we would make the book Available within 1-2 days and then you can come and take it. You can say if its an urgent orders😊. If you have any further unsolved Queries! Please feel free to contact us.
  • Can I return/replace the product?
    You can't return or replace your product once the transaction is completed, If you want to change the product ordered with us let us know prior as early as possible so the product availability could be check.😔 Sorry guys!!! OR Contact us for returning or exchanging the product, if it is possible by us then we will surely do it. If you have any further unsolved Queries! Please feel free to contact us.
  • Can I visit your outlet?
    As our outlet has actually no physical existence, we are a digital book shop with no Zero stocks available with us currently and if you wanna check the books you can check website or you can contact us, Normally we have All range of books available with us and by chance we don't have it right now we would let you know if you contact us! 🤗 If you have any further unsolved Queries! Please feel free to contact us.
  • My book is not available at the website?
    You can WhatsApp us with the image of cover page of the book and we will tell you if its there!! If you have any further unsolved Queries! Please feel free to contact us.
  • How can we order online?
    Online Ordering Steps: Signup & Login Update your profile Select Your Product Go to Cart Purchase your product Soon you will get the payment details on your mail Pay the Amount online or if COD is available then you will be notify through mail only WhatsApp Ordering Steps: Save the Number +91 8169482176 as AAPKA BOOK STORE Message us the Book That you need or if it is not there on website then please contact through WhatsApp. We will soon get in touch with you on WhatsApp. IF ANY UNRESOLVED QUERY PLEASE MAIL US OR CONTACT US!
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